Welcome to Bullard Elementary School

  • Bullard Elementary Schools serves approximately 400 third and fourth grade students in Bullard, TX. We have the most dedicated staff who go above and beyond to provide an exceptional school experience for our students and parents. It is important to us that our students and their accomplishments (academics, behavior and character traits) are celebrated and recognized througout the year. Our campus is committed to G.R.O.W.T.H for all students, because we said we would...and we are in this together! S.T.E.A.M (science, technology, engineering, art and math) is an important component to our campus as we strive to provide a well-balanced education to students and meet their individual interests, areas of strength and learning styles. All students attend our campus S.T.E.A.M lab weekly and it's the highlight of the week for most. 

    We are proud to be a Bullard ISD Panther!


    We love our Panthers!


Mrs. Kasson
Mrs. Haynes