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District School Safety Improvements

The safety of our students, staff, and families continues to be a priority in Bullard ISD. We have a few safety enhancements to share with you to help continue our focus on school safety. 


In September, our Board of Trustees approved additional fencing (in advance of recommended changes proposed by the governor) around buildings and student spaces. This fencing project is anticipated to begin on or around December 1, 2022, and will take several weeks to complete.

The areas receiving fencing will include:

  • extending the current High School fencing west to the Elementary school;
  • between the Elementary and Primary;
  • between the Primary and the west pasture fence;
  • the circle loop at the Intermediate to provide a secure area for student recess;
  • replacement fencing along school house road and between the Teaching and Learning building and the wooden fence.

The Elementary and Primary transportation lanes will be gated to prevent vehicle traffic from accessing the back of each campus until the gates are opened for afternoon dismissal. Administrators will open the gates between 2:30 p.m. and 2:45 p.m. each day. We realize this will shorten the available space for vehicles and ask that you arrive after 2:30 p.m. so that the line does not block Panther Crossing. Once the gates are opened, traffic will continue as usual.

High School Entry Vestibule 

An additional set of safety doors has been added to the High School front lobby to create an extended visitor vestibule. Visitors can now interact with the front office without full access to the building. 

Thank you for your patience and partnership as we continuously improve the safety of Bullard Panthers.

high school lobby vestibule